
Top 10 Healthy Breakfast Options

Breakfast is the most important meal of the day, so it’s essential that you make the most of it. But really it’s not that difficult to get a good deal of nutrition from your morning meal. We’ve put down 10 healthy breakfast options to help you prepare a nutritional feast that will keep you going all day.

1.       Porridge and Berries

Use oats and skimmed milk to make your porridge, then add any berries such as strawberries, raspberries or blueberries and honey. This is a great way to start the day as the oats have a low GI (Glycaemic Index) this tells us that oats do not raise the blood glucose level very quickly, which is good as it can help stabilize the appetite.
Just go easy on the honey!

2.       Beans On Toast

Beans (whether they are just ordinary baked beans or kidney, borlotti or black eyed beans) also have a low GI like oats. They are full of soluble fibre which helps keep you full for longer and can therefore help you manage your weight. Serve the beans on granary toast and peas on the butter. It’s a great low-fat breakfast

3.       Bagel with reduced fat cream cheese and smoked salmon

Bagels are high in starchy carbohydrates which help kickstart the body into action for the day after a fast of at least 8 to 10 hours. The smoked salmon provides the body with omega-3 fat which is essential for the body. Many of us eat far too much saturated fat (which is bad for us) and not enough omega-3 fat that is vital for our health

4.       Fruit and Yogurt

Try adding your favourite fruit to a small pot of low fat or diet yogurt for breakfast. A small pot of yogurt counts as one of your three portions per day of dairy foods essential for the teeth and bones.

5.       Beacon, tomatoes, beans, mushrooms and toast

For those of you who can’t resist a cooked breakfast at the weekends, try this. It really is a healthy twist on a traditional fried breakfast: grill the bacon tomatoes and large flat field mushrooms

6.       Crumpets and fruit spread

Crumpets are a starchy food (they should be the basis of every meal). The only problem with crumpets is the tendency to add lots of butter to them. Try a fruit spread, a great way to top them without adding all the calories and fat in butter

7.       Muesli and soya milk or low fat milk(such as semi-skimmed or skimmed milk)

Swiss-styled muesli has milk powder added to it, which increases the calcium content of this breakfast cereal. Add calcium-enriched soya milk or semi-skimmed milk and you have a bone-friendly breakfast

8.       Pure fruit juice and iron fortified breakfast cereal

Next time you are in the cereal aisle at the supermarket, spare  a few minutes to check out the labelling on the packets. Not all cereals are equal when it comes to the vitamins and minerals that are added to them. Iron is a mineral that is added to many cereals and it is very essential for the formation of blood cells. Try sultana bran or bran flakes, a glass of pure fruit juice such as orange or grapefruit and the vitamin C that the juice contains helps your body to absorb the iron more easily

9.       Smoothie

If you really can’t face breakfast, try a smoothie instead. If you fancy trying to make yourself (easy if you have a hand blender) then fruits such as berries, apples and bananas are great with some milk. All those antioxidant vitamins in the fruit help boost your immunity

10.   Scrambled or poached egg on granary mast

Eggs are not bad for us, it is what you do with them. Poaching or scrambling eggs with a little milk is a good way to incorporate them into your diet – they provide valuable protein. Scrambled eggs on toast is a much better choice over a friend egg sandwich



----------------- Courtesy Frank Njoku

It is popular in Japan today to drink water immediately after waking up every morning. Furthermore, scientific tests have proven its value. We publish below a description of use of water for our readers. For old and serious diseases as well as modern illnesses the water treatment had been found successful by a Japanese medical society as a 100% cure for the following diseases:
Headache, body ache, heart system, arthritis, fast heart beat, epilepsy, excess fatness, bronchitis asthma, TB, meningitis, kidney and urine diseases, vomiting, gastritis, diarrhea, piles, diabetes, constipation, all eye diseases, womb, cancer and menstrual disorders, ear nose and throat diseases.
1. As you wake up in the morning before brushing teeth, drink 4 x 160ml glasses of water
2. Brush and clean the mouth but do not eat or drink anything for 45 minute
3.. After 45 minutes you may eat and drink as normal.
4. After 15 minutes of breakfast, lunch and dinner do not eat or drink anything for 2 hours
5. Those who are old or sick and are unable to drink 4 glasses of water at the beginning may commence by taking little water and gradually increase it to 4 glasses per day.
6. The above method of treatment will cure diseases of the sick and others can enjoy a healthy life.
The following list gives the number of days of treatment required to cure/control/reduce main diseases:
1. High Blood Pressure (30 days)
2. Gastric (10 days)
3. Diabetes (30 days)
4. Constipation (10 days)
5. Cancer (180 days)
6. TB (90 days)
7. Arthritis patients should follow the above treatment only for 3 days in the 1st week, and from 2nd week onwards – daily..
This treatment method has no side effects, however at the commencement of treatment you may have to urinate a few times.
It is better if we continue this and make this procedure as a routine work in our life. Drink Water and Stay healthy and Active.
This makes sense .. The Chinese and Japanese drink hot tea with their meals not cold water. Maybe it is time we adopt their drinking habit while eating!!! Nothing to lose, everything to gain...
For those who like to drink cold water, this article is applicable to you.
It is nice to have a cup of cold drink after a meal. However, the cold water will solidify the oily stuff that you have just consumed. It will slow down the digestion.
Once this 'sludge' reacts with the acid, it will break down and be absorbed by the intestine faster than the solid food. It will line the intestine.
Very soon, this will turn into fats and lead to cancer. It is best to drink hot soup or warm water after a meal.
A serious note about heart attacks:
• Women should know that not every heart attack symptom is going to be the left arm hurting,
• Be aware of intense pain in the jaw line.
• You may never have the first chest pain during the course of a heart attack.
• Nausea and intense sweating are also common symptoms.
• 60% of people who have a heart attack while they are asleep do not wake up.
• Pain in the jaw can wake you from a sound sleep. Let's be careful and be aware. The more we know, the better chance we could survive...



How To Get Three Times More Juice From Your Lemon, And 17 Life Hacks You Can Do With It

If you play your lemon right, you can get three times as much juice out of it than usual, and there is SO MUCH you can do with it

There's so much you can do with the humble lemon. And once you know, you'll be keener than ever to ensure you're getting as much juice as possible out of every single one.

So we have a brilliant tip for you that could see you getting as much as THREE TIMES the juice from each lemon you squeeze.

You have two options. Either roll your lemon on a hard surface and push down to burst the tiny juice-filled cells, or blast it in the microwave for 20 seconds. Either way, cut it lengthways rather than across the middle and you should get around three tablespoons of juice out.

Then use it in one of the following awesome ways:

1. Stop your food going brown
A few drops of lemon juice on your guacamole will keep it fresh and green, your apple slices will remain white and your cauliflower will stay that delicious off-white colour we all drool over.

2. Wake yourself up
At that mid-afternoon slump, instead of reaching for something sweet, go for something super-sour instead. A bite of a lemon or a quick squirt of lemon juice in the mouth is an instant pick-me-up.

3. Lighten age spots
Don't buy an expensive lightening cream for your imperfections and sun spots. Instead, put lemon juice on them directly and leave for 15 minutes to naturally and safely lighten.

4. Beat nausea
Lemon juice contains potassium, which helps prevent sickness. Add a few tablespoons to water and sip to beat nausea.

5. Give yourself golden highlights
Who needs hairdressers when you've got lemons? Mix lemon juice with water (1/4 water to 3/4 lemon juice) and rinse your hair with the mixture. Then sit in the sun until it dries. For best results, use once a week.

6. Make invisible ink
Write with lemon juice - it's invisible when it dries and can be made visible with a little heat from a hairdryer.

7. Anti-ageing
Lemon juice is a powerful antioxidant which helps prevent free radicals and protects the skin, keeping you looking younger. Squeeze it into water for a health tonic every day.

8. Use as shoe polish
Mix a couple of tablespoons of lemon juice with one of olive oil and rub on shoes for a serious shine.

9. Beat breakouts
Wash your face with lemon juice to naturally exfoliate and cleanse. And dab a little on spots to dry them out.

10. Clean limescale
No need for harsh chemicals, all you need to clean your taps is to run half a lemon over them. It really works.

11. Whiten nails
If you can clean your taps, you can also clean your nails. Squeeze on a little juice to whiten the tips but beware of any cuts or nail-biting as it will sting.

12. Treat dandruff
Stir one tablespoon of lemon juice into water and rinse your hair with it. Repeat over a few days until the dandruff is gone.

13. Knock out a hangover
Rather than painkillers, some swear by a few tablespoons of lemon juice in hot water to make a soothing tea that magics away hangover headaches.

14. Cleaner clothes
Add a small glass of lemon juice to your wash to give your detergent a boost. The natural whitening action will help lift stains and make whites whiter.

15. Stop rice clumping
Fed up of ending up with a sticky mass of rice when you cook? Add a tablespoon of lemon juice to keep the grains from attaching themselves to each other.

16. Freshen the Fridge
Soak a cotton ball in lemon juice and leave it in the fridge to draw in odours of other smelly foods. It's life-changing.

17. Beat sunburn
It may feel counter-intuitive, but rubbing half a lemon on sunburn will really soothe the soreness and heat.

Top 5 Drinks That Help You Lose Weight

If you have decided to lose the extra pounds, then you surely know that the only way to do that is by combining workouts with a healthy, balanced and nutritious diet. However, there are some types of drinks that will speed up the fat burning and help you lose weight quicker than you normally would, and here you will find 5 of the most efficient ones:

1. Detox Juices
Detox juices are certainly your most trustworthy allies in your battle against the extra pounds – you can easily make them in your kitchen, either entirely out of fruits or vegetables or by combining these two. Citrus fruits are known to have a powerful detox capability, therefore if you are looking for foods to help you purge all the toxins that have gathered inside you over the months then you must certainly include them in your detox juice. High-fiber root foods such as ginger, carrots or apples are also highly recommended for these juices, as they are known to also support the correct functioning of your digestive tract, not to mention the wealth of antioxidants that they deliver to your body.

As you may know already, antioxidants are essential as they protect your body from the negative effects of the free radicals that can wreak havoc on your health if you allow them two. 

One eight ounce glass of detox juice per week will certainly keep all these problems far away from you! These juices have a double benefit – while they help your body get rid of the toxins, chemicals and all the dangerous substances that have accumulated inside your intestines, they also help you lose weight in the fastest and most natural way. 

One thing is for sure, though: all those who want to shed pounds yet stay healthy at the same time must go through at least one or two detox sessions throughout the course of a year.

2. Vegetable Juices
Vegetable juices, on the other hand, can also benefit your weight loss efforts in the long run and it is a known fact that the most suitable type of veggies for weight loss are the cruciferous ones. No matter if you juice them alone or you use them in conjunction with other fruits, these veggies (cabbage, kale, broccoli or cauliflower) will be your most efficient fat fighting weapon, and there is no better way to keep all the toxins away.  Another notable benefit of the vegetable juices is that in addition to helping your body fight free radicals and keeping you healthy, they will also balance the hormone levels in your body and prevent the hormone disruptors from interfering with the normal hormone levels. Cruciferous veggies are very rich in natural phytonutrients that are perfect for reducing the overall amount of body fat, for reducing inflammation and controlling the blood sugar levels, for balancing the hormone levels, boosting your metabolism as well as providing a thorough general detoxification.

3. Green Tea
Green tea has been used for hundreds of years due to its numerous benefits, and weight loss is just one of them – although green tea alone will only help you lose a few pounds, it will certainly serve as a great addition to your diet in the long haul. No matter if you do not have the time or you do not like to workout on a regular basis, drinking one cup of tea per day will deliver all the antioxidants you need and it will also help you burn fat at a faster pace, by boosting the metabolism. These teas are perfect for burning more calories as well as for increasing your overall energy levels and for suppressing your appetite. As a matter of fact, this is exactly the main mechanism of action of these teas as they help you shed the extra pounds by suppressing your appetite, thus decreasing the amount of food you would normally consume on a daily basis. Green tea is very popular amongst the Japanese people, and it is said to also help you reduce stress and relax better.

4. Fruit Juice – Cranberry And Pear
Fruit juices are delicious, easy to prepare and very rich in nutrients, vitamins and minerals – besides this, there are literally hundreds of different fruits you can choose from and pear and cranberries are only two of the most delicious, most efficient and most sought-after ones given the fact that they contain high amounts of vitamin C. Not only will the cranberry and pear juice help you lose weight by boosting your metabolism (your body’s natural fat burning machine), but it will also increase your overall energy levels and deliver your body all the essential vitamins and proteins that it so much needs. At the same time, it is a known fact that the cranberry juice is essential for preventing various infection of the bladder, such as the infection with the E-coli bacteria. Pears, on the other hand, add magnesium, potassium as well as phosphorus to your fruit juice and they are essential for a healthy lifestyle, not to mention that they are very rich in Vitamin C and Calcium, the latter being particularly important for keeping your bones healthy and strong.

5. Black Coffee
Last, but not least, it is a known fact that if consumed with moderation, black coffee can have a plethora of health benefits – not only does it contain antioxidants that fight off free radicals and lower the risk for certain types of cancer, but it can also reduce the risk for diabetes as well as heart disease. At the same time, caffeine is perfect for boosting your metabolism and for increasing the number of calories you have burned. Be careful, though, because if you want to lose weight by relying on black coffee you will have to consume it without any milk or sugar, as any sweetener can increase its calorie count!

To conclude, these are the top 5 most efficient drinks that you should embed in your diet if you want to lose weight quickly and naturally, without resorting to any pills or supplements that may have side

STRESS Managment

A young lady confidently walked around the room while reading and explaining stress management to an audience with a raised glass of water, and everyone knew she was going to ask the ultimate question: 'half empty or half full?'..... She fooled them all... "How heavy is this glass of water?" she inquired with a smile.

Answers called out ranged from 8 oz. to 20 oz.

She replied, "The absolute weight doesn't matter. It depends on how long I hold it. If I hold it for a minute, that's not a problem.  If I hold it for an hour, I'll have an ache in my right arm. If I hold it for a day, you'll have to call an ambulance. In each case it's the same weight, but the longer I hold it, the heavier it becomes."

She continued, "and that's the way it is with stress. If we carry our burdens all the time, sooner or later, as the burden becomes increasingly heavy, we won't be able to carry on."

"As with the glass of water, you have to put it down for a while and rest before holding it again.  When we're refreshed, we can carry on with the burden - holding stress longer and better each time practiced.

So, as early in the evening as you can, put all your burdens down. Don't carry them through the evening and into the night... pick them up tomorrow.

Whatever burdens you're carrying now, let them down for a moment. Relax, pick them up later, after you've rested. Life is short. Enjoy it and the now 'supposed' stress that you've conquered!

Remember, STRESS is something we do to ourselves!
1 * Accept the fact that some days you're the pigeon, and some days you're the statue!

2 * Always keep your words soft and sweet, just in case you have to eat them.

3 * Always read stuff that will make you look good if you die in the middle of it.

4 * Drive carefully... It's not only cars that can be recalled by their makers...

5 * If you can't be kind, at least have the decency to be vague.

6 * If you lend someone $20 and never see that person again, it was probably worth it.

7 * It may be that your sole purpose in life is simply to serve as a warning to others.

8 * Never buy a car you can't push.

9 * Never put both feet in your mouth at the same time, because then you won't have a leg to stand on.

10 * Nobody cares if you can't dance well. Just get up and dance.

11 * Since it's the early worm that gets eaten by the bird, sleep late.

12 * The second mouse gets the cheese.

13 * When everything's coming your way, you're in the wrong lane.

14 * Birthdays are good for you. The more you have, the longer you live.

15 * You may be only one person in the world, but you may also be the world to one person.

16 * Some mistakes are too much fun to make only once.

17 * We could learn a lot from crayons. Some are sharp, some are pretty and some are dull. Some have weird names and all are different colors, but they all have to live in the same box.

18 * A truly happy person is one who can enjoy the scenery on a detour.

19 * Have an awesome day and know that someone thought about you today.

20 * It was me, your friend!

33 Foods that Starve Cancer

“The obvious thing is to think about what we could remove from our diet. But I took a completely opposite approach and began asking: What could we be adding to our diet that could boost the body’s defense system? In other words, can we eat to starve cancer?”- Dr. William Li
Cancer is the second most common form of death in the United States – claiming the lives of 1 in 4 people. While billions of dollars in high-tech research is conducted yearly, we just can’t seem to get ahead of the curve as more and more people are diagnosed with a number of types of cancers.
We often think about what we should be removing from our diet in an effort to prevent cancer, such as refined sugar and processed foods. While this is a good thing to do there may be something else we should be doing. What if we could actually add certain foods to our diet that would beat cancer at its own game?
The father of modern medicine, Hippocrates said it best when he said, “Let your food be thy medicine and medicine be thy food.” He was referring quite simply to the innate powers that are locked deep within the cells of living foods – those foods that provide the maximum nutrition for us are also the very foods that can starve cancer.
What is angiogenesis?
Angiogenesis literally means the creation of new blood vessels – “angio” means blood vessels and “genesis” means creation. The human body contains over 60,000 miles of blood vessels, including 19 million capillaries.
Blood vessels can adapt to whatever environment they are exposed to and the body has the amazing ability to regulate how many blood vessels are present at any time.
Angiogenesis occurs during times of health and disease. Blood carries oxygen and nutrients to all parts of the body via blood vessels. When new tissue is developed, a blood supply is necessary for its growth and maintenance – angiogenesis, or the formation of new blood vessels, must occur.
The body can fertilize vessels to grow and also has ways to prune them back when necessary. A healthy body has control over the on and off switch and can regulate angiogenesis as needed.
However, research is now showing that in a number of diseases the body fails to either grow enough blood vessels or is not able to prune vessels when needed. When there are too many blood vessels conditions like cancer, arthritis, blindness, endometriosis, obesity and Alzheimers disease are fueled. When there are too few vessels, wounds don’t heal and conditions such as stroke, coronary heart disease, hair loss, erectile dysfunction and peripheral arterial disease result.
In the case of cancer, tumors release growth factor proteins that beckon for blood vessels to grow into the tumor. This provides not only the oxygen and the nutrients that the cancer needs to grow, but also supplies an escape route whereby cancerous cells can exit the tumor and metastasize in other areas.
Worldwide there are over 70 major diseases that impact millions of humans on a large scale – these diseases may all look different on the outside but upon closer inspection, they all share unbalanced angiogenesis as their common denominator.
This finding is now allowing researchers to re-conceptualize disease prevention and treatment..
FACT: Cancer begins as a group of harmless cells
Imbalanced angiogenesis is a hallmark of all forms of cancer. First and foremost it is important to understand how cancer starts. All cancers begin as microscopic nests of cells that are, for all intensive purposes, harmless. They can only grow to the size of the tip of a ballpoint pen at most on their own because they don’t have their own blood supply – no nutrients or oxygen means no growth.
Autopsy studies from people who have died in car accidents show that forty percent of women between the ages of 40 and 50 have microscopic cancers in their breasts and fifty percent of men in their 50′s and 60′s have microscopic cancers in their prostate.
In fact, by the time we all reach about age 70 we all have these microscopic nests of cancer cells in our thyroid. However, the majority of these cells never develop into anything dangerous simply because they don’t have what they need to survive – that is a blood supply. Dr. Judah Folkman, a pioneer in angiogenesis, referred to this as “cancer without disease.”
Testing what is true
Cancer cells are fed by the development of new blood vessels, so it makes sense to think that once the blood supply is cut off, the tumor will no longer be fed and thus will die. Advancements in angiogenesis research based on this theory have resulted in much success in both animals as well as humans.
Dr. William Li, President and Medical Director of the Angiogenesis Foundation, has conducted extensive research in angiogenesis-based medicine – a new and comprehensive approach to fighting disease by way of restoring the body’s innate ability to control angiogenesis. Medical therapies that either stimulate the growth of new blood vessels or inhibit growth are being put to the test with great success.
Today there is a whole group of cancer treatments that block blood vessel growth that are approved and in use for cancers of the colon, kidney, breast, lung, brain and thyroid. Many patients have experienced stabilization or complete regression from tumors as a result of these drugs.
Catch cancer early
Dr. Li noticed that while many forms of cancer responded quite well to anti-angiogenesis drugs, others did not. This spawned more research which led Dr. Li back to the root cause of most disease. He hypothesized that one of the reasons some cancers responded better than others to anti-angiogenesis therapy was because many cases were in the advanced stages where the cancer had already invaded many other parts of the body. Once disease becomes rampant it is difficult, if not impossible to cure.
But what if there were certain naturally occurring anti-angiogenesis substances that one could consume in their diet, thus prohibiting cancerous tumors from ever forming? This led Dr. Li to the thought of starving cancer before it even becomes a disease – before it is too late – in essence, beating cancer at its own game. This approach would benefit both healthy people as well as those who had already beaten cancer.
Diet a major contributor
Ninety to ninety-five percent of all cancers are environmental, meaning they are outside of genetics. Out of these environmental cancers, thirty to thirty-five percent are the result of diet. In relation to diet, Dr. Li asked not what we could take away from the diet but what could be added that would beat back the blood vessels that feed cancer.
Can we eat to starve cancer? The answer, according to Li, is unequivocally, yes. Mother nature has provided a plethora of foods with naturally occurring properties designed to stop the formation of blood vessels in their tracks.
In addition, foods appear to have a synergistic impact on tumors, working together to starve cancer cells. Some types of certain foods are more potent than others. While research continues at full speed, an ongoing list of beneficial foods is being compiled.
Choose your food wisely
According to Dr. Li, we can start today, eating the foods that are known to inhibit the growth of blood vessels, and make wise choices that will allow us to stay as healthy as possible by keeping cancerous cells in their infancy. Here are some of the best foods to choose from:
  • Apples
  • Blueberries
  • Cranberries
  • Tomatoes
  • Garlic
  • Basil
  • Onions
  • Thyme
  • Ginseng
  • Ginger
  • Cauliflower
  • Carrots
  • Broccoli
  • Cabbage
  • Sweet Potato
  • Kale
  • Lemons
  • Oranges
  • Peaches
  • Grapefruit
  • Flaxseed
  • Red Grapes
  • Strawberries
  • String Beans
  • Spinach
  • Green Tea
  • Peppers
  • Pumpkins
  • Honey
  • Olive oil
  • Shiitake mushrooms
  • Walnuts
  • Almonds
Note: Dr. Li recommends eating one cancer-fighting food with each meal. For information on more cancer-fighting foods visit Eat to Beat Cancer.

Can we beat cancer? – you bet we can – in fact, we can do better than that. By making wise food choices and living a healthy lifestyle we can keep the cancerous cells that we all have in our body from ever becoming a deadly disease.


7 "FATTY" FOODS THAT CAN HELP YOU TO GET A FLAT STOMACH (some of these will surprise you!)
These 7 shocking Fatty (but healthy) super-foods can actually help you to burn body fat faster!

by Mike Geary,

At this point, the anti-fat propaganda has died and almost everybody understands by now that eating fat doesn't necessarily make you fat.  In fact, it's absolutely imperative to get enough healthy fats in your diet to keep your hormones balanced, blood sugar under control, and prevent cravings.  Here are 7 examples of "fatty" foods that can actually HELP you to get lean...

healthy chocolate1.  Super Dark Chocolate (at least 72% cacao content or higher)
It might not be a secret anymore, but yes, dark chocolate (NOT milk chocolate) can be a very healthy food, even though it is technically calorie dense.

However, I would contend that dark chocolate can actually HELP you to burn off more body fat if you're the type of person that has a sweet tooth and likes to eat a lot of desserts.  In this case, just 1 or 2 small squares of dark chocolate can many times satisfy your sweet tooth for only 30 or 40 calories as opposed to 500 calories for a piece of chocolate cake or a piece of pie.
Also some brands of dark chocolate that are in the mid 70's in % cacao content or higher, can have a fairly high ratio of fiber content (I've seen some brands have 5 grams of fiber out of 15 grams of total carbs per serving), and relatively low sugar content compared to the amount of healthy fats.  In fact, that's one of the "tricks" I use to select a good quality chocolate... I look for more total fat than total carbs (or about the same number of grams of each).

The importance of that fact is that it means many dark chocolates will not greatly affect your blood sugar and will have a fairly blunted blood sugar response compared to other "sweets".

In addition, dark chocolate is also very rich in healthful antioxidants, including a powerful compound called theobromine which has been shown to help lower blood pressure and have other health benefits.  The fat content in a good dark chocolate should come solely from the natural healthy fats occuring in cocoa butter and not from any other added fats.  Any chocolates with added fats or other additives will generally not be as healthy.

The reason I say to choose dark chocolates with at least 72% cacao content is that the higher the % of cacao, the lower the % of sugar.  However, this does mean that any chocolate over 80% cacao content will generally start to get a more bitter taste and have very little sweetness.  If you like this type of taste, then the higher % cocao, the better. Otherwise, a good 75% dark chocolate is in my opinion an almost perfect combination of lightly sweet with a rich chocolate taste.  Just remember to keep those daily quantities of chocolate small as it is calorie dense!

You can also reap the benefits of the antioxidants and fiber without all of the calories by using organic unsweetened cocoa powder in your smoothies or other recipes.

coconuts have healthy fats2.  Coconut milk, coconut flour, and coconut oil
Coconut milk and oil are great sources of a super healthy type of saturated fat called medium chain triglycerides (MCTs), including a component called lauric acid, which is a powerful nutrient for your immune system, and is lacking in most western diets.  In addition, MCTs are readily used for energy by the body and less likely to be stored as bodyfat compared to other types of fats.

Along with coconut milk and coconut oil as healthy fat choices, we've also got coconut flour as a healthier flour option for baking. Coconut flour is an extremely high fiber flour alternative (almost ALL of the carbs in this flour are fiber and not starch!).  Coconut flour is also VERY high in protein compared to most flours and is also gluten free!

Just beware that if you're going to use coconut flour for baking, it absolutely NEEDS to be mixed with other flours as it sucks up moisture like crazy... I've made delicious baked goods by mixing coconut flour with almond flour and quinoa flour in equal parts, and adding slightly more liquid ingredients than the recipe calls for.

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3.  Grass-fed (pasture-raised) butter
Yes, delicious smooth and rich BUTTER (real butter, not deadly margarine!)... It's delicious, contains loads of healthy nutritional factors, and does NOT have to be avoided in order to get lean.  In fact, I eat a couple pats of grass-fed butter daily and maintain single digit bodyfat most times of the year.

There's a lot of confusion about this topic... in fact, I just saw a TV show today that was talking about unhealthy foods and one of the first things they showed was butter.  It just shows that the majority of the population has zero idea that butter (grass-fed only!) can actually be a healthy part of your diet.
In fact, there's even ample evidence that REAL butter can even help you to lose body fat for a couple of main reasons:

   a.  Grass-fed butter is known to have high levels of a healthy fat called CLA, which has been shown to have anti-cancer properties, and also has been shown to help burn abdominal fat and build lean muscle.
   b.  Grass-fed butter also has an ideal balance of omega-3 to omega-6 fatty acids (unlike conventional grain-fed butter) which helps fight inflammation in your body, and can help balance hormones.
   c.  The healthy fats in grass-fed butter also contain MCTs, which help to boost your immune system and are readily burned by the body for energy.  The healthy fats in grass-fed butter also help to satisfy your appetite and control blood sugar levels, both of which help you to stay lean!

If you have a hard time finding a grass-fed butter at your grocery store, Kerrygold Irish butter is one of my favorites, and even though the label doesn't clearly state "grass-fed", the cows are 100% grass-fed on lush green pastures in Ireland. It's one of the richest butters in color that I've seen, which indicates high levels of carotenoids.

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 4.  Whole Eggs, including the yolk (not just egg whites)
Most people know that eggs are one of the highest quality sources of protein.  However, most people don't know that the egg yolks are the healthiest part of the egg... that's where almost all of the vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants (such as lutein) are found in eggs.

In fact, the egg yolks contain more than 90% of the calcium, iron, phosphorus, zinc, thiamin, B6, folate, and B12, and panthothenic acid of the egg. In addition, the yolks contain ALL of the fat soluble vitamins A, D, E, and K in the egg, as well as ALL of the essential fatty acids.  Also, the protein of whole eggs is more bio-available than egg whites alone due to a more balanced amino acid profile that the yolks help to build.
Just make sure to choose free-range organic eggs instead of normal grocery store eggs.  Similar to the grass-fed beef scenerio, the nutrient content of the eggs and the balance between healthy omega-3 fatty acids and inflammatory omega-6 fatty acids (in excess) is controlled by the diet of the hens.

Chickens that are allowed to roam free outside and eat a more natural diet will give you healthier, more nutrient-rich eggs with a healthier fat balance compared with your typical grocery store eggs (that came from chickens fed nothing but soy and corn and crowded inside "egg factories" all day long).

If you want more details on eggs, here is my full article that details more about why egg yolks are BETTER for you than egg whites.

grass-fed beef healthier than grain-fed beef5.  Grass-fed beef or bison (NOT the typical grain-fed grocery store beef!)
I know most people think that red meat is unhealthy for you, but that's because they do not understand how the health of the animal affects how healthy the meat is for consumption.  Keep this in mind -- "an unhealthy animal provides unhealthy meat, but a healthy animal provides healthy meat".
Typical beef or bison that you see at the grocery store is raised on grains, mainly corn (and to some extent, soybeans). Soy and corn are NOT the natural diet of cattle or bison, and therefore changes the chemical balance of fats and other nutrients in the beef or bison.  Grain-fed beef and bison is typically WAY too high in omega-6 fats and WAY too low in omega-3 fats.  In addition, the practice of feeding cattle corn and soy as the main portion of their diet upsets their digestive system and makes them sick... and it also increases the amount of dangerous e-coli in the meat.  This is not the case with grass-fed meat.
grass-fed steaks, healthy fat burning foodOn the other hand, grass-fed beef from cattle and buffalo (or bison) that were raised on the type of natural foods that they were meant to eat in nature (grass and other forage), have much higher levels of healthy omega-3 fats and lower levels of inflammatory omega-6 fats (that most people already eat way too much of) compared to grain fed beef or bison.
Grass fed meats also typically contain up to 3 times the Vitamin E as in grain fed meats.
In addition, grass-fed meat from healthy cattle or bison also contain a special healthy fat called conjugated linoleic acid (CLA) in MUCH higher levels than grain-fed meat.  CLA has been proven in scientific studies in recent years to help in burning fat and building lean muscle (which can help you lose weight!).  These benefits are on top of the fact that grass-fed meats are some of the highest quality proteins that you can possibly eat... and this also aids in burning fat and building lean muscle.
Grass-fed meats are a little harder to find, but just ask your butcher or find a specialty grocery store and they usually have cuts available.  I've also found a great site to order grass-fed meats online and have gotten to know the owner of this company well, and they are dedicated to the quality of their foods.

avocados - healthy fats and high nutrition6.  Avocados
Even though avocados are typically thought of as a "fatty food", they are chock full of healthy fats!  Not only is this fruit (yes, surprisingly, avocados are actually a fruit) super-high in monounsaturated fat, but also chock full of vitamins, minerals, micro-nutrients, and antioxidants.
Also, in my opinion, guacamole (mashed avocados with garlic, onion, tomato, pepper, etc) is one of the most delicious food toppings ever created, and you can be happy to know that it's also one of the healthiest toppings you can use on your foods.  Try sliced avocados or guacamole on sandwiches, burgers, eggs or omelets, on salads or with fish, or as a delicious side to just about any meal.
The quality dose of healthy fats, fiber, and micronutrients that you get from avocados helps your body to maintain proper levels of hormones that help with fat loss and muscle building.  Also, since avocados are an extremely satiating food, eating them helps to reduce your appetite in the hours after your meal.  Say goodbye to junk food cravings and bring on that fat burning!  I personally eat anywhere from a half to a full avocado DAILY and it only helps to keep me lean.

nuts - more healthy foods to burn fat7.  Nuts:  Walnuts, Almonds, Pistachios, Pecans, Brazil Nuts, Macadamias, etc  
Yes, this is yet another "fatty food" that can actually help you burn belly fat!  Although nuts are generally between 75-90% fat in terms of a ratio of fat calories to total calories, this is another type of food that is all healthy fats, along with high levels of micronutrients such as vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants.  Nuts are also a good source of fiber and protein, which of course, you know helps to control blood sugar and can aid in fat loss.
Nuts also help to maintain good levels of fat burning hormones in your body (adequate healthy fat intake is vitally important to hormone balance) as well as helping to control appetite and cravings so that you essentially eat less calories overall, even though you're consuming a high-fat food.  My favorite healthy nuts are pecans, pistachios, almonds, macadamias, and walnuts, and by eating them in variety, you help to broaden the types of vitamins and minerals and also the balance of polyunsaturated to monounsaturated fats you obtain.
Try to find raw nuts instead of roasted nuts if you can, as it helps to maintain the quality and nutritional content of the healthy fats that you will eat.
Also, try to broaden your horizons beyond the typical peanut butter that most people eat, and try almond butter, cashew butter, pecan butter, or macadamia butter to add variety to your diet.
One of the little "tricks" that I've used with clients when trying to cut down body fat is to have them eat a handful of nuts such as almonds or pecans about 20 minutes before lunch and dinner.  This ends up being a perfect time to control your appetite before lunch or dinner and helps you to eat less overall calories on that meal.
I hope you enjoyed this look at some of the healthiest "fatty" fat-burning foods you can possibly eat.  I could list a ton more, but wanted to give you a few of my favorites for now.  Enjoy!



Nourish your skin from the inside out by eating foods that limit the aging process. It’s not just a healthy diet, but specific foods and nutrients that can do everything from hydrate your skin to protect it from the environment. Today we’ll look at 5 foods that you should put on your plate to eat your way to a younger-looking you.
  1. Vitamin C Foods—Oranges and other citrus fruits, peppers and kale are all high in vitamin C. A British study showed that women who ate higher amounts of this antioxidant vitamin had fewer wrinkles and less dry skin.
  2. Lean Protein—Protein is a building block of collagen, which gives skin its elasticity. When collagen and other proteins break down, it causes the skin to fold into itself, creating wrinkles. Lean protein foods include skinless poultry, egg whites, fish and tofu.
  3. Fatty Fish—A natural source of omega-3 essential fatty acids (EFAs), fatty fish help guard and protect your skin from the environment, including the sun, according to three British studies. The best fish to put on your plate include salmon, tuna, mackerel and trout. If fish isn’t your thing, walnuts, flaxseeds, canola oil, pumpkin seeds and tofu containing ALA are also natural sources of EFAs.
  4. Whole Grains—Drop the refined grains and make the switch to whole grains like brown rice, oatmeal, barley and whole wheat. Whole grains are a natural source of selenium, a skin-protecting mineral.
  5. Produce Rainbow—Load up on colorful fruits and vegetables, especially ones that are yellow, orange or red. Produce in these colors is a source of carotenoids, free radical-fighting antioxidants that nourish the skin. They include beta-carotene, which helps skin stay hydrated and increases collagen production and lycopene, which protects skin from environmental damage.


3 Foods to Avoid if You Want to Look Young

Want to keep your complexion smooth and youthful? Take a look at your plate. What you leave off of your plate is sometimes just as important as the food you’re putting on your plate when it comes to nutrients that can affect your complexion. Put your best face forward (and improve your health) by keeping these to a minimum (remember that classic motto... moderation):

Sugar—Sweets and refined carbs raise glucose levels, which increases advanced glycation end products, which in turn interferes with the repair of collagen and elastin, a protein that allows skin to retain its shape.

Saturated Fat—Not all saturated fatty acids are created equal (see coconut oil), but experts say that eating a lot of saturated fat coming from marbled meats and full-fat dairy products can induce skin-aging inflammation.

Alcohol—With the exception of resveratrol-delivering red wine, alcohol can take a toll on your skin. It dries out skin and when metabolized in the liver, it creates skin’s enemy: free radicals.



Processed foods have the advantage of saving time and this makes them tempting to people who have a busy lifestyle and for those who don’t particularly like to cook. Most processed foods also come with a low price tag that is hard for many consumers to resist. However, at some point we really need to look at the hidden costs that processed foods have on our health.

It is no secret by now that the vast majority of processed foods are not healthy. In general, they are very low in nutrients, especially micronutrients like antioxidants and vitamins, while simultaneously being high on calories. They also contain industrially engineered ingredients that can be very harmful to the human body.
Eliminating all processed foods from your diet may be quite difficult. However, you can significantly improve your healthy by eliminating the worst of the processed foods. Below, you will find a list of the 7 most unhealthy processed foods.

Chicken Nuggets – Like hot dogs, chicken nuggets are at the pinnacle of industrialized foods. While you may think that chicken nuggets are mostly protein, the typical chicken nugget, including the famous chicken McNuggets, are more than 50 percent fat and they contain more carbs than protein. Keep in mind too, that the carb portion is made of very unhealthy carbs found in the fillers and breading.
Most chicken nuggets are deep fried, often in an oil containing trans fat. Trans fat causes cell membrane deformities that contribute to the development of metabolic diseases such as type 2 diabetes. Most chicken nuggets also contain many unhealthy additives such as MSG and tertiary butylhydroquinone (TBHQ).

Soda Pop – There is nothing nutritional about sodas; they are empty calories. Moreover, they contain substances that can hurt you. As if sugar wasn’t bad enough, almost all sodas today use high fructose corn syrup (HFCS) as a sweetener and this is even worse than sugar. HFCS has been shown to be damaging to the liver as well as causing blood glucose spikes even worse than normal table sugar would. Soda pop is a primary contributor to the obesity problem in the United States.
 Soda pop is also one of the most powerful acid producing substances we can put into our bodies. As such, they cause our naturally alkaline body pH to become acidic. Cancer cells thrive in an acidic environment and can’t survive in an alkaline environment. An acidic body is also much more susceptible to viral and bacterial attacks since it weakens the natural defenses of the body’s immune system.

Hotdogs & Other Processed Meats – Hot dogs have been a staple of the American diet for decades. The National Hot Dog and Sausage Council reports that Americans eat about twenty billion hot dogs a year. They also report that ninety-five percent of all American homes serve hot dogs. Of course, lunch meats like bologna also have similar ingredients.
The vast majority of hot dogs and other highly processed meats on the market contain loads of salt, MSG, sodium nitrate and other preservatives, artificial flavors, cheap unhealthy fillers, and mechanically separated meat and poultry. Most people don’t realize that mechanically separated meat has been so highly processed under extreme heat and pressure that whatever nutritional value it had to begin with is lost in the processing. For example, proteins become denatured under these extreme industrial conditions. If you have an absolute craving for a hot dog, look for nitrate free organic hot dogs with no preservatives, artificial flavors, or meat byproducts.

Store Bought Cookies, Cake, Muffins, and Crackers – For the purpose of this article, cookies, cake, muffins, and crackers have all been lumped into a single category because the health issues associated with them are similar. Beyond the obvious high levels of sugar and salt, most of these products also contain trans fat. Trans fat is added in part because it is much cheaper than healthy fats and this makes them more profitable. However, trans fat is also added to prolong shelf life and to improve the texture. In fact, there are whole “food science” labs devoted to figuring out how to use trans fats and other industrial foods to achieve the perfect texture in these types of products.
To determine if a product contains trans fat, you should not go by what it states on the front of the label. The USFDA actually allows manufacturers to label their products with “zero trans fat” if each individual serving contains less than 0.05 grams of trans fat. Many manufacturers simply reduced the size of a serving to reach this magic number. So, instead of a serving size being three cookies, they might say it is one cookie so they could put a “zero trans fat” on the label. To know for sure if a product actually contains trans fat, you need to look at the ingredient list and look for the words “hydrogenated” or “partially hydrogenated.” If these words appear, then the product contains trans fat.

Many Popular Breakfast Cereals – Do you want to know why so many breakfast cereals are “fortified” with vitamins and minerals? The reason is because otherwise they would be so devoid of nutrition, no one would want to buy them. Fortified means that the vitamins are artificially added during the processing of the food. It’s no better than taking a crunchy vitamin, and in fact, usually a low quality vitamin. For example, these fortified cereals often add a form of vitamin D that is not easily used by the human body.
Most breakfast cereals are also loaded with sugar, or worse, high fructose corn syrup. If they contain corn, as many do, then you can bet it it is genetically modified (GMO) corn because this type of corn is much cheaper and this increases their profit. GMO corn has been shown to cause tumors in rodents in a recent study conducted in Europe. Research studies have been limited in the United States and other countries because Monsanto and other biotech companies threaten scientists with lawsuits if they conduct research with their patented seed. However, there have been many anecdotal cases showing cattle and other farm animals getting sick and/or dying from eating GMO corn.

Granola Bars – While you may be surprised to see granola bars on a list of the 7 most unhealthy processed foods, this is actually one of the reasons they are listed here. The marketing of granola bars are exceptionally deceptive. They are usually marketed as an exceptionally healthy food when in fact they are just the opposite. This means people tend to eat more of them thinking they are actually eating a super convenient, tasty, healthy food when they really are not. Parents also tend to feel good about giving granola bars to their kids but they really aren’t any healthier than a candy bar.
Regardless of what you see on the front of the packaging or hear in the commercials, almost every brand of granola bar contains high fructose corn syrup. If you don’t believe this fact, try going into any supermarket and finding a box of granola bars that don’t contain this harmful ingredient. You’ll be hard pressed to find one! Even if they say they are made with honey or maple syrup, read the ingredient label. Some will put a tiny bit of honey or maple syrup for flavor but most of the sweetness is still derived from high fructose corn syrup. They are also sometimes loaded with fat, including trans fat, and lots of sodium too!

Pre-Made Condiments and Salad Dressings – Most condiments and salad dressings contain high fructose corn syrup as this is a really cheap way food manufacturers can add bulk to their product and improve the flavor with very little cost. Many also contain trans fats and food additives like MSG. Another factor that makes them so unhealthy is that we tend to not think about what’s in condiments when we apply them to our food. Even a healthy fresh vegetable salad can quickly become an unhealthy meal if an unhealthy dressing is added.
One way to eat healthier is simply to make your own condiments and salad dressiongs where you can control the ingredients. You can usually store salad dressings and homemade ketchup for at least a week in the refrigerator.

In conclusion, one of the healthiest steps you can take to improving your health is eliminating, or at least significantly reducing, the processed foods you eat. It is also important for you to carefully read the ingredient label when shopping and not just depend on what it says on the front of the package.


5 Ways Running Boosts Your Brain

1. Running helps your brain grow.
Don't worry -- we're not talking bursting-through-your-skull growth. Running stimulates the creation of new nerve cells and blood vessels within the brain, an organ that tends to shrink as a person ages. Also, studies have shown that running may help increase the volume of the midbrain (which controls vision and hearing) and the hippocampus (which is linked to memory and learning).

2. Running helps your brain age better.
In addition to preventing or reversing age-related shrinkage, running affects brain chemicals in a way that sets runners up to have healthier-than-average brains later in life. A study last year measured neural markers and cognitive function in middle-aged athletes and non-athletes, and while the cognitive function scores were the same, researchers found the athletes' brains showed greater metabolic efficiency and neural plasticity.

3. Running boosts your ability to learn and recall information.
Another 2012 study found that at least moderately fit people did better on memory tests than those who were less fit (or not fit at all). This adds to earlier research that links running to a better ability to focus, to juggle multiple tasks, and to make distinctions.

4. Running conditions your brain to store more fuel.
You already knew that training conditions your muscles to store more fuel, but a recent study suggests that your brain adapts in the same way. Researchers believe these larger glycogen stores in the brain may be one of the reasons running boosts cognitive function.

5. Running, especially in nature, helps keep your brain full of feel-good chemicals.
Exercise promotes the release of the feel-good chemicals called endorphins. Additionally, like many antidepressant medications, running helps your brain hold on to mood-boosting neurotransmitters serotonin and norepinephrine. For best results, run in quiet, green spaces instead of on crowded streets -- a study last year found people in parks experienced brain activity similar to that seen during meditation, while people on streets experienced frustration.



Conventional wisdom suggests that perspiration is the cause of body odor. However, perspiration by itself is basically odorless, but it is the bacteria and odors coming from other sources that are the real culprits.
What to eat? What to avoid?

There is a direct relation between what a person eats and his body odor. Avoid refined sugar, white flour, hydrogenated oils and other processed foods. Avoid red meat because it releases many toxins into the blood stream. Avoid foods that lack fiber. Avoid alcohol, caffeine, cumin and garlic. Eat a healthy diet which contains whole grains, lots of leafy vegetables, sprouts, fresh fruits, soy products, and raw nuts and so on. Other animal products that produce bad odors are dairy products like milk and cheese.

Quit or cut down on smoking cigarettes. Tobacco creates a stench that comes through your pores, including your underarms. Sugar feeds fungus and bacteria on your skin.

Supplements to take
One or two chlorophyll tablets or chlorophyll liquid taken with each meal may also help, as chlorophyll is a great deodorizer.

Take magnesium supplements or augment your diet with food sources high in this important mineral. Nutritionists recommend between 200-500 mg of magnesium daily. You will have to try different doses until you get the amounts that are right for your body.

A high-potency B vitamin (50 mg or higher), when combined with magnesium, will help reduce certain secretions that can be a cause of odor. Make sure you are getting 100 mg of PABA and 100 mg of B6.

If you have body odor, try taking zinc tablets. Zinc, plus magnesium, will help balance your body’s metabolism and reduce the cause of bad odor. Studies have shown that taking 30 to 50 mg daily will dramatically reduce certain body odors, although you may need less. Zinc may also reduce perspiration and sweaty feet. However, it is wise to go above 15 mg only with a doctor’s supervision as zinc may interfere with the absorption of copper, another essential trace mineral.

Remedies from foodstuffs
Wipe your armpits with alcohol, white vinegar or witch hazel instead of deodorant.
Apple cider vinegar
Apple cider vinegar eliminates underarm body odor when used in place of deodorant because it reduces the pH of the skin. Bacteria can’t live in areas with low pH.
White vinegar
This is also helpful. Place some on a cotton ball and apply to the underarms instead of deodorant. The vinegar smell is gone in minutes and you should be smell-free all day.
Baking soda
Baking soda, the odor-eating standby, can be used instead of deodorant. Just apply the powder to your dry armpits. It will kill bacteria and help absorb perspiration. Cornstarch can also be used instead or mixed with the baking soda.
Chewing parsley, alfalfa and other leafy greens will help neutralize body odor, probably because of the deodorizing effect of the chlorophyll.
Juice about two dozen radishes, add 1/4 teaspoon of glycerin, and put in a squirt or spray-top bottle. Use as an underarm deodorant or to reduce foot odor.
It is an antibacterial herb. Put 8 to 10 drops of the essential oil in 1 ounce of water and apply it where needed.
Herbalists suggest drinking a cup of sage tea daily to reduce sweat gland activity. This is especially true for those who perspire excessively due to tension. Use one-and-a-half teaspoonfuls of dried sage or two tea bags in one cup of water; soak for ten minutes; drink in small doses throughout the day. Fresh sage leaves blended with tomato juice has been found to be very effective against bad odor.
Tea tree
It is an antibacterial herb. Make a deodorant by putting 2 drops of the essential oil into 1 ounce of water and apply where needed.
Turnip juice
Turnip juice will reduce underarm odor for up to 10 hours. Grate turnip; squeeze the juice through cheesecloth, so that you have two teaspoonfuls. Wash your armpits first, and vigorously rub one teaspoonful on each one.
Wheat grass
Take 500 mg of wheat grass daily on an empty stomach and wash down with a glass of water. The chlorophyll will dramatically reduce body odor.


Health is wealth, that is a popular maxim. Being healthy is not just a wish, it is work, you have to work to ensure that you are in optimum health. The choice really is yours


We are continuing our Health Awareness Weeks for the month of April with a focus on Diabetes this week.

We would appreciate your feedback - questions, comments, contributions -

Thank you

Diabetes - Introduction


Diabetes is a disease that affects millions of the world’s inhabitants  every year.

Your doctor may have informed you that you have diabetes.

Although there is no known cure for diabetes, there are several treatments which can control this disease.

The success of any diabetes treatment depends largely on the patient.

This write up will review the different types of diabetes, their control and treatment.

What is Diabetes

The body is made of millions of cells that need energy to function.

The food you eat is turned into sugar, called glucose. Sugar
is carried to the cells through the blood stream. It is one of many substances needed by cells to make energy.

For glucose to enter the cells, 2 conditions must be present. First, the cells must have enough “doors,” called receptors.

Second, a substance called insulin is needed to “unlock the receptors.”

Once these two conditions are met, glucose enters the cell and
is used by the cell to make energy.

Without energy, all cells die.

Insulin is a chemical hormone, which is manufactured in the pancreas. Insulin levels in the blood vary with the amount of glucose present in the blood.

Diabetes is a disease that makes it difficult for the cells of the body to get the glucose they need to make energy.
Diabetes can make it difficult for the cells of the body to receive adequate amounts of glucose in two ways. First, the pancreas may not make insulin. Since insulin is needed to  “unlock the receptors,” glucose cannot enter the cells.
Therefore, glucose levels increase in the blood. This is known as
Type 1 diabetes.

Type 2 diabetes occurs when insulin is present in enough quantities, but there is a decrease in the number of
receptors on the cells to allow glucose to enter. Even though insulin is present, it cannot be used effectively, a situation called
“Insulin Resistance” which results in high levels of glucose in the blood.

Type 2 diabetes is more common than Type 1.

The exact causes of diabetes are unknown. However, it
tends to run in families.

Diabetes is not a contagious disease.


 Signs and Symptoms of Diabetes 

Diabetes is detected when your doctor or nurse finds a high level of sugar in your blood or urine.

The most reliable test results are obtained when the sugar level in the blood is checked before any food or liquid is ingested. This is known as a fasting blood sugar.

A range for a normal fasting blood sugar is between 60 and 99 mg/dL. Levels between 100 and 125 mg/dL are considered pre-diabetic levels.

Common signs and symptoms of diabetes include:
• Excessive thirst
• Frequent urination
• Excessive Hunger
• Weight loss
• Fatigue
• Changes in vision
• Slow-healing cuts or infections
• Persistent itching of the skin

If left untreated, the level of glucose in the blood can become very high, inducing coma and possibly death.

The signs and symptoms you have depend on when your diabetes is discovered and what type of diabetes you have.

Signs and Symptoms of Diabetes

Diabetes is detected when your doctor or nurse finds a high level of sugar in your blood or urine.

The most reliable test results are obtained when the sugar level in the blood is checked before any food or liquid is ingested. This is known as a fasting blood sugar.

A range for a normal fasting blood sugar is between 60 and 99 mg/dL. Levels between 100 and 125 mg/dL are considered pre-diabetic levels.

Common signs and symptoms of diabetes include:
• Excessive thirst
• Frequent urination
• Excessive Hunger
• Weight loss
• Fatigue
• Changes in vision
• Slow-healing cuts or infections
• Persistent itching of the skin

If left untreated, the level of glucose in the blood can become very high, inducing coma and possibly death.

The signs and symptoms you have depend on when your diabetes is discovered and what type of diabetes you have.

Treatment Options

Diabetes cannot be cured.
Keeping the level of sugar in the blood within its normal range can, however, control it.

The treatment and management of diabetes varies from patient to patient. Your doctor and diabetic care team will decide what form of treatment is best for you.

Patients with Type 1 diabetes do not produce insulin. Patients who lack insulin in their bodies must make certain adjustments in their diet and must take insulin. Insulin can only be given through injections. These injections may need to be given several timesa day.

Patients with Type 2 diabetes may not need insulin. Diabetes in these patients is typically controlled with diet and exercise. Sometimes oral medications are also prescribed. In some cases of Type 2 diabetes, insulin may also be required.

The success of your treatment depends largely on you.
When you learn AND practice how to control your sugar level, you will enjoy a healthier life.

Controlling Diabetes 

You can control diabetes by: 

1. Eating right
2. Exercising
3. Monitoring your blood sugar level
4. Taking prescribed medications
5. Learning about diabetes

Your dietitian or diabetes educator will explain to you how you can plan your meals and answer any questions you may have.

The three goals of eating right are: 

1. Controlling your weight
2. Keeping the level of blood-sugar at a normal level
3. Reducing fat in the body

A healthy diet may include changing what you eat, how much you eat, and how often you eat. However, you may be surprised byhow many healthy and tasty food options you have.

Exercise helps diabetic patients in many ways
. It lowers glucose levels, helps weight-loss, and maintains a healthy heart and healthy circulation. In addition, exercisinghelps relieve stress and strengthens muscles. 

Your healthcare team will discuss your exercise plan with you. Always check with your doctor before starting a new exercise program.

Blood sugar testing is important in order to find out if your blood sugar level is where it should be.

If your blood sugar is too low or too high, you may need a change in your diabetes medication, diet, or exercise plan. If a change is needed, your doctor or diabetic care team will give you instructions on what you should do. 

Your blood sugar level is determined by testing a small drop of
blood obtained from one of your fingers. This drop of blood is obtained by sticking your finger with a lancet. 

Blood sugar is usually checked 1 to 4 times each day. This can be done at home. 

Most diabetics become very competent at checking their own blood sugar. 

Your diabetes educator will teach you how to test your blood sugar correctly and will help you determine the times of day to do the tests. 

He or she will also teach you how to make changes in diabetes medication, diet, or exercise to help control your blood sugar. The educator will also review your blood sugar records and make any necessary changes in your therapy.

In cases of very high blood sugar levels that do not respond to diet and exercise plans, medications may be needed. 

You doctor will tell you if you need medications or insulin.
If insulin is needed, it can only be injected. Insulin is needed for all patients with Type 1 diabetes and for some patients with Type 2 diabetes.


We are commencing our Health Awareness Weeks for the month of April with a focus on Hypertension this week.

We would appreciate your feedbacks - questions, comments, contributions -

Thank you



Hypertension, or high blood pressure, is a very common
condition that affects 1 out of every 4 adults.

Hypertension is also called the silent killer because it often
has no symptoms and can cause serious diseases if it
goes untreated for a long time.

This write up explains hypertension and how it can be prevented and controlled.

Blood Pressure

The cells of the body need oxygen and food to survive. Oxygen and nutrients are carried to all parts of the body through the blood.

The heart pumps blood out of its chambers through blood vessels.

The blood vessels that carry fresh blood from the heart to the body are called “arteries.”

Blood pressure is the force of blood as it presses against the walls of the arteries, like the pressure of water in a garden hose.

Two numbers are used to describe blood pressure.
The top number, called “systolic blood pressure,” measures blood pressure when the heart pumps.

A normal, healthy top number is less than 120.

The second number is lower than the systolic pressure and measures blood pressure when the heart rests.

It is known as “diastolic blood pressure.” A normal, healthy bottom blood pressure number is 80 or below. 

For example, a patient may have a blood pressure of 125/70, typically pronounced “one twenty-five over seventy.”
This means that the patient has a reading of 125 systolic and 70 diastolic blood pressure. 



Blood pressure varies all the time. It is common for it to differ by 10 to 20 units when it is measured at different times, even minutes apart.

For instance, exercise or emotional stress can increase the blood pressure. The increased blood pressure allows more blood to be pumped to the body to help the body cope with increased activity or stress. The body can tolerate such a temporary rise in blood pressure. Because of these normal variations, doctors do not diagnose a patient with high blood pressure unless repeated measurements show it to be consistently high.

If the top blood pressure number (systolic) is consistently equal to or higher than 140 or if the bottom blood pressure number (diastolic) is consistently equal to or higher than 90, then the doctor will diagnose a patient as having high blood pressure, or


Recently, the guidelines for diagnosing hypertension have changed. A systolic blood pressure between 120 and 140 and/or a diastolic blood pressure between 80 and 90 is now considered to be pre-hypertension. Meaning that these patients have a higher

chance of developing hypertension.

It has also been found that patients with pre-hypertension are at a higher risk of dying from heart attacks.

Patients with pre-hypertension therefore need to bring their blood pressure below 120/80.

Causes of Hypertension

The exact causes of hypertension are not known.

However, certain factors are associated with high blood pressure.

People who smoke, are overweight, eat salt and fat regularly, drink excessively, are stressed, or are not physically active are at a higher risk of developing high blood pressure.
People who have a high level of cholesterol or have heart or kidney disease, as well as people who have had a stroke, are at a higher risk of developing hypertension.

Though some people are at a higher risk of developing hypertension, anyone at any age and background can develop high blood pressure.

People who have a history of hypertension in the family or are African-American are more likely to have

Complications of Hypertension
Over time, high blood pressure can damage blood vessels all over the body.

 It can cause blood vessels to widen and become weaker.

This can lead to abnormal widening of the blood vessels, which is called an “aneurysm.”

Aneurysms can bleed and cause death, especially when they are located in the blood vessels of the brain or the aorta, the biggest blood vessel in the abdomen.

Over time, other blood vessels become narrower from the accumulation of cholesterol and other debris on the inside.

The thickening of the muscles of the arteries from high blood pressure can also cause this narrowing.

Narrow blood vessels restrict and may even block the flow of blood.

When blood flow stops, the organs supplied by these blood vessels can be damaged or can die.

The blockage of arteries in the brain can lead to a stroke.
Strokes  can lead to paralysis, speech problems, and even death.

Blockage of blood vessels in the kidneys can lead to kidney failure, the inability of the kidney to remove poisons from the blood. This will lead to death unless patients are hooked up to a special machine 3 to 5 times a week, for four hours at a time, to clean their blood. This is known as dialysis.

Blockage of blood vessels in the eye can lead to impaired vision and even blindness.

In the heart, such blockage leads to a heart attack, where the part of the heart that was supplied by the blocked artery dies. This weakens the heart and may even lead to death.

The heart can also be affected in another way. It can get tired from
pumping blood at such a high pressure. This is known as heart
failure and can also result in breathing problems and death.

Most of these risks of high blood pressure are more severe if the
patient has other medical conditions such as diabetes, obesity, high cholesterol, or previous strokes or heart attacks.

Diagnosing Hypertension
Damage to blood vessels may take years to develop. During that time, patients suffering from hypertension, the silent killer, may have NO symptoms.

Even though patients feel no symptoms in most cases when the blood pressure rises abnormally, a minority of patients with hypertension suffer from headaches or extreme fatigue.

The only way to detect hypertension early enough to prevent its serious complications is by checking the blood pressure regularly.

A physician, a nurse, or any other healthcare provider can help check for hypertension. The test takes a couple of minutes and is painless. Nowadays machines can automatically check a patient’s blood pressure.

However, only a physician can diagnose hypertension.

When blood pressure remains high after several tests taken on different days, the doctor diagnoses hypertension.

The doctor orders diagnostic tests and takes a medical history and physical exam to determine if hypertension has affected the general health of the patient. He or she will then recommend a treatment plan.

Controlling Hypertension

Unfortunately, hypertension has no cure. It can be controlled, however.

Controlling hypertension means a lifelong commitment to changing some eating and lifestyle habits.

Medications may also be necessary to bring high blood pressure back to normal.

Following up regularly with the doctor is also essential to ensure that hypertension is controlled and is not causing serious diseases.

Losing weight and exercising, accompanied by some diet changes, are frequently all that is needed to bring blood pressure back to normal.

Diet changes include eating less table salt and less fat. The words
Salt sodium and Na on food labels all mean salt. Your body needs only 1,500 milligrams or 1.5 grams, of sodium per day.

Products containing baking soda, baking powder, and soy sauce usually have high levels of sodium.

Canned food also has a high amount of salt.

Smoking, excessive alcohol consumption and continuous stress are risk factors for hypertension.

Although most people like the taste of salt in their foods, cooking with little or no salt can also be very tasty.

Salt substitutes and different spices are available to give dishes a good taste. Check with your doctor before using a salt substitute.

Eating less fat not only helps people lose weight and keep
blood pressure normal, but it also helps prevent heart attacks
and strokes not related to hypertension.

Aerobic exercise helps people reduce blood pressure, as well
as lose weight. It also helps improve heart performance and
decreases the chances of heart attacks.

Walking, bicycling, and swimming are all examples of aerobic exercise.

However, muscle building is not an aerobic exercise. Check
with your doctor before you begin an exercise program.
Muscle building may increase blood pressure.

When healthy eating and exercising do not help control blood pressure adequately, the doctor may prescribe medications.

Some of these medications may have unpleasant side effects. If you have unpleasant side effects, rather than getting discouraged and stopping the medication on your own, consult with your physician.

He or she is usually able to change your medication or adjust your dosage to decrease the incidence of side effects.

Hypertension medications are often taken for long periods, sometimes for life.

Regular checkups with the doctor are essential to determine the effectiveness of the medications.

Hypertension is a disease that causes serious and fatal complications. However, early detection and aggressive control has helped millions of people live healthy and long lives.
The patient’s help and persistence are essential to control hypertension.
Your healthcare provider may have additional resources to help you take the necessary steps for preventing and controlling hypertension.
With the help of your healthcare provider, you can give yourself the best chances for a long and healthy life. 


Sugary Drinks Linked to Over 180,000 Deaths Worldwide

By Dr. Mekola

Don’t Fall for the Latest 'Designer Water' Fad...

As a general rule, I advise using water as your primary form of beverage. Many simply do not drink enough water these days. But don’t be fooled by slick marketing.

There are a number of “designer water” products available, and none of them can really beat plain, pure water.

For example, on April 1, Coca-Cola released its latest enhanced water product called “Fruitwater,” described as “a great tasting, naturally flavored zero calorie sparking water beverage.”7 Despite its name, the product does NOT contain any juice.

Rather it’s sweetened with sucralose and “natural fruit flavors.” Sucralose (Splenda) is an artificial sweetener that, like aspartame, is associated with a host of side effects, including:
• Gastrointestinal problems
• Seizures, dizziness and migraines
• Blurred vision
• Allergic reactions
• Blood sugar increases and weight gain

Artificially Sweetened Water is a Recipe for Poor Health

Different artificial sweeteners have been found to wreak havoc in a number of different ways. Aspartame, for example, has a long list of studies indicating its harmful effects, ranging from brain damage to pre-term delivery.

Sucralose has been found to be particularly damaging to your intestines. A study8 published in 2008 found that sucralose:
• Reduces the amount of good bacteria in your intestines by 50 percent
• Increases the pH level in your intestines, and
• Affects a glycoprotein in your body that can have crucial health effects, particularly if you're on certain medications like chemotherapy, or treatments for AIDS and certain heart conditions

In response to this study, James Turner, chairman of the national consumer education group Citizens for Health issued the following statement:9

"The report makes it clear that the artificial sweetener Splenda and its key component sucralose pose a threat to the people who consume the product. Hundreds of consumers have complained to us about side effects from using Splenda and this study ... confirms that the chemicals in the little yellow package should carry a big red warning label."

That was nearly five years ago, yet many are still in the dark about these health risks.

Having healthy gut flora is absolutely vital for your optimal health, so clearly, any product that can destroy up to half of your healthy intestinal bacteria can pose a critical risk to your health!

Many are already deficient in healthy bacteria due to consuming too many highly processed foods.

This is why I recommend eating fermented vegetables every day, or at the very least taking a high quality probiotic.

Believe me, if you continuously destroy up to 50 percent of your gut flora by regularly consuming sucralose, then poor health is virtually guaranteed.

So please, do not make “Fruitwater” a staple drink thinking you’re doing something beneficial for your health...

Remember, pure water IS a zero calorie drink.

You cannot find a beverage that contains fewer calories.

If you think about it, why on earth would you choose artificially sweetened water over regular mineral water? If you want some flavor, just squeeze a little bit of fresh lemon or lime into mineral water as they have virtually no fructose in them.

Unfortunately, most public health agencies and nutritionists in the United States still recommend these toxic artificial sweeteners as acceptable and even preferred alternatives to sugar, which is at best confusing and at worst seriously damaging the health of those who listen to this well-intentioned but foolish advice.

Contrary to popular belief, research has shown that artificial sweeteners can stimulate your appetite, increase carbohydrate cravings, and stimulate fat storage and weight gain.

In fact, diet sodas may actually double your risk of obesity. So much for being an ally in the battle against the bulge...

The Case Against ALL Bottled Waters...

While we’re on the subject of commercially available water products, let me remind you that bottled water in general is a bad idea.

Not only are you paying about 1,900 percent more for the same or similar water you get straight from your tap, water stored in plastic bottles have other health risks as well.

The plastic often used to make water bottles contains a variety of health-harming chemicals that can easily leach out and contaminate the water, such as:
• Cancer-causing PFOAs
• PBDEs (flame retardant chemicals), which have been linked to reproductive problems and altered thyroid levels
• The reproductive toxins, phthalates
• BPA, which disrupts the endocrine system by mimicking the female hormone estrogen

If you leave your water bottle in a hot car, or reuse it, your exposure is magnified because heat and stress increase the amount of chemicals that leach out of the plastic.

So the container your water comes in needs to receive just as much attention as the water itself, and plastic is simply not a wise choice from a health perspective … not to mention the extreme amounts of toxic waste produced!

What’s the Healthiest Beverage You Can Drink?

Sweetened beverages, whether it’s sweetened with sugar, HFCS, naturally-occurring fructose, or artificial sweeteners, are among the worst culprits in the fight against obesity and related health problems, including diabetes, heart- and liver disease, just to name a few.

Remember that sweetened beverages also include flavored milk products, bottled teas, and “enhanced” water products.

Ditching ALL of these types of beverages can go a long way toward reducing your risk for chronic health problems and weight gain. So what should you drink?

Your best most cost effective choice is to drink filtered tap water.

The caveat though is to make sure you filter your tap water.

I've written a large number of articles on the hazards of tap water, from fluoride to dangerous chemicals and drugs, to toxic disinfection byproducts and heavy metals, so having a good filtration system in place is more of a necessity than a luxury in most areas. Remember, nothing beats pure water when it comes to serving your body’s needs.

If you really feel the urge for a carbonated beverage, try sparkling mineral water with a squirt of lime or lemon juice.
Another option to consider is to bottle your own water from a gravity-fed spring.

There's a great website called where you can find natural springs in your area.

This is a great way to get back to nature and teach your children about health and the sources of clean water.

The best part is that most of these spring water sources are free!

Just remember to bring either clear polyethylene or glass containers to collect the water so no unsafe chemicals can contaminate your water on the way home. If you choose to use glass bottles, be sure to wrap them in towels to keep them from breaking in the car.





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