Thursday, September 26, 2013



For a couple in a marital relationship, physical intimacy is a way to express and enhance their love. The way you hold your partner, the small hugs, a tiny kiss and the way you look into your beloved’s eyes, all make a difference in your relationship.

If you feel the level of physical intimacy in your relationship dropping considerably and you are in a desperate need to boost it up, there are some foods that can provide you with a solution. Certain foods can help you boost the physical aspect of your love life. So, take a look at six of them.

1. Almonds
Almonds are a great source of adding essential fatty acids in the body. These fatty acids are responsible for producing various important hormones required by men for enhancing their physical relationships. Smell of almonds also helps in arousing passion in women. Almonds can help you boost your physical relations. So, add raw almonds in your diet, sans any salt or sweetener.

2. Figs
Figs improve stamina During an intercourse, it is natural to crave for more stamina. Figs contain amino acids, which provide your body with good amount of stamina for your physical enjoyment, as well as increase the craving for your partner. Other than this, the shape of this sweet and juicy fruit is quite sensual as well.

3. Celery
If you want to increase the stimulus that is produced during intercourse then you should try celery. It contains androsterone, an odorless hormone that is released through male perspiration, which acts as a turn on for women. So, next time you want to arouse your woman, try having celery. Best way to have celery is to eat it raw, just before getting into bed.

4. Avocados
Avocados are good It is useful for men and women alike. It increases the protein content in your system, so that you get more energy. It also provides vitamin B6, which is useful for production of male hormones. It also contains potassium that helps in regulating the thyroid gland in women. These two elements (male hormones and thyroid gland) help to boost your physical craving for your partner.

5. Garlic
Garlic is an important element to cure many ailments and diseases. Well, you might be wondering that eating raw garlic may turn your partner off, but the heat in this herb is a good stirrer for your libido. Garlic also contains allicin, a chemical, which allows free flow of blood to the s*xual organs. But, it is always best to have garlic in moderation, so that your breath does not end up driving your partner away.

6. Strawberries and Chocolates
Both these foods are filled with aphrodisiac qualities. Strawberries have essential fatty acids, which are essential for s*xual arousal in both men and women. While, cocoa in chocolates contains a chemical, phenylethylamine, that stimulates feelings of excitement and well-being. So, dip some strawberries in chocolate and feed them to your partner to boost your love life.

Add these s*x boosting foods in your diet to bring back the spark in your love life!

Monday, September 23, 2013

For Men – 7 Ways To Keep Your Penis healthy

1. Be sexually responsible. If you are not married, abstinence is the key. But if you must have sex, use condoms and if you are married, be faithful to your partner who’s been tested and is free of sexually transmitted infections.

2. Get vaccinated. If you’re age 26 or younger, consider the human papillomavirus (HPV) vaccine to help prevent private part warts.

3. Stay physically active. Moderate physical activity can significantly reduce your risk of erectile dysfunction.

4. Practice good hygiene. If you’re not circumcised, regularly clean beneath your foreskin with soap and water.

5. Know your medications. Discuss medication use and possible side effects with your doctor.

6. Pay attention to your mental health. Seek treatment for depression and other mental health conditions.

7. Stop smoking and limit the amount of alcohol you drink. If you smoke, take the first step and decide to quit — then ask your doctor for help.

Remember, some penile problems can’t be prevented.

However, routinely examining your penis can give you greater awareness of the condition of your penis and help you detect changes.

Regular checkups can also help ensure that problems affecting your penis are diagnosed as soon as possible.

While you might find it difficult to discuss problems affecting your penis with your doctor, don’t let embarrassment prevent you from taking charge of your health. 

Thursday, September 19, 2013



A man's last years ought to be spent strapped to the fighting chair of a game-fisher while battling a black marlin, not tethered to a nursing-home bed, incontinent and unable to talk.
But the latter is a likely scenario if you're one of approximately 600,000 Americans who will have a stroke this year.
"Your chance of dying is 20 percent-but you have a 40 percent chance of being disabled and a 25 percent chance of being severely disabled," says Dr. David Spence, director of the stroke-prevention center at the Robarts Research Institute in Canada.
An ischemic stroke—the kind that affects most men—occurs when an artery to the brain is blocked by arterial plaque that has broken loose and caused a blood clot. In fact, it's just like a heart attack, only instead of heart cells dying for lack of blood, brain cells are kicking off-thousands of brain cells. Perhaps paralyzing half of your body. Or slurring your speech. Or plunging you into senility.
But a "brain attack" is not inevitable.
"Fifty to 80 percent of strokes can be prevented," says Dr. David Wiebers, a professor of neurology at the Mayo Clinic and author of Stroke-Free for Life. "Making the simple choices at 25, 35, or 45 years of age can make an enormous difference in preventing stroke when you're in your 60s, 70s, or 80s."

Swallow Nature's Blood Thinner

Loma Linda University researchers found that men who drank five or more 8-ounce glasses of water daily cut their stroke risk by 53 percent compared with guys who drank fewer than three glasses. Water helps to thin the blood, which in turn makes it less likely to form clots, explains Jackie Chan, Dr.P.H., the lead study author.
But don't chug your extra H2O all at once.
"You need to drink water throughout the day to keep your blood thin, starting with a glass or two in the morning," adds Dr. Chan.

Swig Less Soda

Unless it's the diet stuff. The Loma Linda University researchers also discovered that the men who drank large quantities of fluids other than water actually had a higher risk of stroke—46 percent higher.
One theory is that sugary drinks like soda draw water out of the bloodstream, thickening the blood. Another explanation may be the boost in triglycerides caused by sipping liquid sugar.
"Elevated levels of triglycerides-any level above 150-are a risk factor for arterial disease," says Dr. Daniel Fisher, an assistant professor at the New York University School of Medicine.

Count to 3

You may have just lowered your stroke risk.
In a study published in the journal Stroke, researchers noted that of 2,100 men, the anxious guys were three times more likely to have a fatal ischemic stroke than the more serene men. "
Anxiety causes chronic overproduction of dopamine, a neurotransmitter that regulates the brain's control of circulation," says Ernest Friedman, M.D., a professor of psychiatry at Case Western Reserve University.
Counting to three—or reining in your racing mind in any other way—helps by stabilizing your levels of serotonin, the antidote to excess dopamine, says Dr. Friedman.

Hold Your Breath

At least when you're around a smoker. University of Auckland researchers found that people exposed to secondhand smoke are 82 percent more likely to suffer a stroke than those who never inhale. It seems that carbon monoxide promotes clot formation by interfering with nitric oxide, a biochemical that relaxes blood vessels.
"To get rid of every single bit of carbon monoxide after a night at the bar, you'd have to breathe fresh air for about 8 hours. But most of the carbon monoxide will be gone from your body in the first hour," says Laurence Fechter, Ph.D., a professor of toxicology at the University of Oklahoma.
So on your way home, make sure you roll down the car windows and start sucking in some clean air.

Beat Homocysteine

Research suggests that people with high blood levels of this amino acid are more likely to stroke out than those with low readings. Extra folate will help reduce the risk, but only for some people. "Fifty to 60 percent won't respond with lower homocysteine," says Dr. Seth J. Baum, medical director of the Mind/Body Medical Institute, a Harvard affiliate.
Dr. Baum recommends 1,000 micrograms (mcg) of folate, plus 25 milligrams (mg) of vitamin B6, 1,000 mcg of B12, and 1,800 mg of the amino acid N-acetyl-cysteine (NAC). "With folate, B6, B12, and NAC supplements, almost everyone will have normal homocysteine levels," says Dr. Baum.

Pick Up an Iron Supplement

Aerobic exercise is antistroke medicine. Can't run or cycle to save your life? Then lift. "Regular resistance training decreases blood pressure, elevates HDL cholesterol, lowers LDL cholesterol, and decreases the stickiness of the blood," says Dr. Jerry Judd Pryde, a physiatrist at Cedars-Sinai Hospital in Los Angeles.
If you don't already weight-train, try the American Heart Association program: Lift weights two or three times a week, targeting the major muscle groups. For each of the following, choose a weight you can lift eight to 12 times at most, and do one set to fatigue: bench press, shoulder press, lying triceps extension, biceps curl, seated row, lat pulldown, crunch, squat, Romanian deadlift, and calf raise.

Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Healthy Lifestyle: 6 Great Ways to Start Your Day

Healthy Lifestyle: 6 Great Ways to Start Your Day

A Healthy Lifestyle Starts Each Morning!

The way you spend your morning can add a certain flavor to the rest of your day. Here are some healthy lifestyle habits to incorporate into your morning routine that can leave you better able to handle the stress you experience. Try one or several, and experiment until you find what suits you.

Put On Some Music
Music therapy has been shown to reduce stress and have a positive effect on health. But you don't need a therapist to enjoy some of the benefits music has to offer. Listening to music as you get ready and start your day will create positive energy and a soothing sense of peace (or a sense of fun, if you play party music). Music can compliment other healthy lifestyle habits, adding a sense of peace to a yoga workout, putting a spring in your step on a morning walk, or stimulating your mind as you write in your journal.

Stretch in the Shower
The hot water will loosen up your muscles, so it’s easier to get a good stretch. The act of stretching will help to release stored tension and enable you to start the day feeling more relaxed, at peace, and ready to handle what comes your way.

Eat a Balanced Breakfast
For those of you who start the day on a bagel and coffee, read this! Breakfast is known as ‘the most important meal of the day’ for a very good reason: a healthy meal in the morning can balance your blood sugar levels and give you the sustenance you need to handle physical and mental stress. Without it, you will be less resilient, both physically and mentally. Be sure to have plenty of protein and fruit, not just caffeine and empty calories!

Drink Green Tea
Sipping a warm cup of tea is a soothing activity that will help you prepare for the day ahead and feel nurtured. Green tea is loaded with antioxidants, so it’s a delicious and healthy lifestyle choice.

Write in Your Journal
Journaling has many health and stress management benefits, and can also lead to increased self-awareness. Writing once a day can help you feel focused, process negative emotions, and solve problems.

Morning Walk
Walking has so many health benefits, the stress management benefits are practically just gravy! A morning walk can get you ready for your day, help you sleep better at night, lower your stress level, and reduce your risk of numerous health conditions. And if you bring a dog with you, you’ll be lavished with attention as well!

For a healthy body and peaceful mind, few activities give as much ‘bang for your buck’ as yoga. Combining all the goodness of several stress management techniques, such as diaphragmic breathing, meditation, stretching and more, yoga provides some of the best stress management and health benefits you can find in a single technique. A good way to start your morning is by doing a series of yoga poses called Sun Salutations.

Monday, September 16, 2013

Holy Water May be Harmful to Your Health, Study Finds

Holy Water May be Harmful to Your Health, Study Finds

By LIZ FIELDS | Good Morning America – 8 hours ago

Despite its purported cleansing properties, holy water could actually be more harmful than healing, according to a new Austrian study on "holy" springs.

Researchers at the Institute of Hygiene and Applied Immunology at the Medical University of Vienna tested water from 21 springs in Austria and 18 fonts in Vienna and found samples contained up to 62 million bacteria per milliliter of water, none of it safe to drink.

Tests indicated 86 percent of the holy water, commonly used in baptism ceremonies and to wet congregants' lips, was infected with common bacteria found in fecal matter such as E. coli, enterococci and Campylobacter, which can lead to diarrhea, cramping, abdominal pain, and fever.

Nitrates, commonly found in fertilizer from farms, were also identified in the water. If ingested, water containing nitrates over the maximum contaminant level could cause serious illness, especially in infants younger than 6 months, which could lead to death if untreated, according to the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency.

"We need to warn people against drinking from these sources," said Dr Alexander Kirschner, study researcher and microbiologist at the Medical University of Vienna.

The study, published in the Journal of Water and Health, also found that all church and hospital chapel fonts contained bacteria -- the busier the church, the higher the bacterial count.

"This may represent a problem that has hitherto been underestimated, especially in hospitals, since there a lot of people with weakened immune systems there," Kirschner said.

There have been advances made for the more hygienic use of holy water, including the invention of a holy water dispenser a few years ago by an Italian priest, while studies have also indicated that adding salt (at recommended levels of 20 percent) can help disinfect the water.

But Kirschner cautions that salt is not a reliable way to prevent infection and instead recommends priests regularly change the holy water in churches and erect signs to inform congregants about the dangers as well as of the history of the holy springs.