Thursday, October 29, 2015

3 Memory-Killing Foods to Avoid

By Early to Rise

Dementia and Alzheimer’s are on the rise, and there is mounting evidence that environmental factors are contributing to the increase.

While we can’t control everything in our external environment, we can control what foods and substances we put into our bodies.

 Here are the top 3 foods to avoid:

Smoked meats — Smoked selections from the deli counter may seem appealing, but those meats are hiding something sinister behind their rich flavor — nitrosamines.

Used as a preservative, these carcinogenic chemical compounds are the same you’ll find in cosmetics and pesticides — and in rubber products including balloons and some condoms.

Nitrosamines are the result of nitrites and organic compounds combining in the acidic human stomach.

High cooking temperatures increase the formation of nitrosamines.

The highest levels are found in cured meats (primarily bacon and hot dogs) and cheese preserved with nitrite pickling salt.

They cause the liver to produce fats that are toxic to the brain.

Processed Cheeses — If you think that Laughing Cow cheese is a healthy selection, think again.

Processed cheeses, including mozzarella sticks and American cheese slices, cause a protein build-up in the body that affects the brain and has been linked to Alzheimer’s.

White foods – These are among the most difficult to avoid because they’re everywhere — in pasta, cakes, white rice, and white bread.

Derived from white flour and sugar, all of these foods cause insulin to spike, sending toxins to the brain.

But there’s a bright side! 

You don’t have to give up everything you love.

Here are two treats you can feel good about eating when it comes to boosting your memory: Coffee and chocolate.

If you’re looking for permission to have that second (or third) cup of coffee and that piece of chocolate, here it is!

Researchers at Johns Hopkins University recently found that caffeine (present in both of these treats) has significant positive effects on long-term memory.

In fact, their research showed that caffeine enhanced certain memories for up to 24 hours after it was consumed.

Of course, coffee with no added sugar or syrups and dark chocolate with cacao content of 72% or higher are the best options.

Here are a few tips to keep you out of the danger zone when it comes to nurturing your memory:
Eat a variety of fruits, vegetables, whole grains, lean meat and dairy products.

Avoid foods high in saturated fats and cholesterol, especially fatty meats and fried foods.

Cut down on sugar.

Drink plenty of water.

Get adequate rest.

Thursday, October 8, 2015

3 Simple Ways to Live a Long, Healthy Life

By Missi Holt
A common thread among those living with vim and vigor right into their 10th decade is consistency. Each day, we need to choose to treat our minds, hearts, and bodies with Love and Respect so that we facilitate the healing response on a continual basis!

Here are 3 simple, yet effective over-arching habits of the healthiest centurions of our time:
  • They MOVE their bodies. They walk more than they drive, move more than they sit, and exercise regularly — not even intensely, just regularly. I encourage you to take a baby step toward more movement today. Do some yoga when you first rise; park farther away; take a little walk at lunch; do some more yoga before bed!
  • They EAT whole, local foods. Their diets are rich in local, organic produce and healthy fats that provide vitamins, minerals, and water needed to support body functions and aid healing. Animal proteins are locally raised in their natural environments and eaten minimally to reduce inflammatory factors. Food provides the raw materials with which your body creates or stimulates the formation of all of your cells, bones, fluids, enzymes, hormones, muscles, and organs. So, you see, you really are what you eat!
  • They CONNECT with LIFE to reduce stress. They enjoy people, family, and life. They find balance in work, rest, and play. Their minds, hearts, and bodies thank them for it with years of health and happiness. In Sardinia and Okinawa, where people live the longest, hard work is important, but not more so than spending time with family, nurturing spirituality, and doing for others.

Wednesday, October 7, 2015

Six Reasons Why You Should Actually Sleep NAKED

Pack away the flannel pajamas: A handful of studies and surveys show sleeping naked could actually be good for you. Six reasons why you should consider it:
  1. You may like your partner more: A 2014 survey of Brits by Cotton USA (which promotes cotton products that likely include both pajamas and sheets) found that 57 percent of those who slept nude reported being happy in their relationship.
    That was 9 percentage points more than PJ wearers, followed by 43 percent of nightie wearers. Onesie wearers—they apparently exist—brought up the rear at 38 percent, per the Daily Mail.
  1. It could help prevent diabetes: It's a bit of a stretch, but here's the logic: Adults have small amounts of brown fat (aka "good fat") in their bodies, and a 2014 study looked at how bedroom temperature affected the fat.
    The four-month study was small: just five males who slept in rooms heated to 66-, 75-, or 81-degrees. After four weeks spent at the coldest temp, the men had almost twice as much brown fat, and their insulin sensitivity was better, which a researcher says could lower their diabetes risk.
    Four weeks at 81 degrees undid all the benefits. Though the New York Timespoints out the test subjects slept in hospital scrubs, going naked could help prevent overheating.
  2. It's better for your lady health: Cosmopolitan cites advice from Dr.
    Jennifer Landa, who points out that an overly warm environment could spur too much yeast or bacteria to grow in the vaginal area. By passing on PJs, you'll have a better chance of giving air access to the region, preventing infections.
  3. It's how our ancestors did it: If you're a Paleo-dieter who eats like a caveman, why not sleep like one, too? Neurologist Rachel Salas with the Johns Hopkins Center for Sleep in 2013 told the Wall Street Journal that "back in the cave days," people slept naked.
    It was, in part, a means of protection from predators, and that feeling of safety could be imparted by sleeping similarly in modern day.
  4. It could be better for the immune system: Mic reports that when skin-on-skin contact occurs, our adrenal glands get a message: lighten up on the production of the stress hormone cortisol.
    As one doctor explains, "Cortisol suppresses the immune response." Skin-to-skin contact also increases levels of oxytocin, which can have positive effects on blood pressure and healing, says Salas.
  5. Body temp affects sleep: A 2004 study found that for sleep to "initiate normally," core body temp matters.
    Per a researcher, "Studies of sleep onset insomniacs show that they consistently have a warmer core body temperature immediately before initiating sleep, when compared with normal healthy adults."

Monday, October 5, 2015

8 Mistakes That Persons With Social Anxiety Make

1.    Trying to Control Anxiety

"If only I can hold this pen tightly enough they won't see my hand shaking."
Sound familiar? Or may be it was your spoon. Or maybe your hands that you held behind your back so nobody could see them shaking. Right now, stop trying to control your anxiety. Stop seeing it as a monster always lurking behind the next corner. The more you fight against it, the more you feed it.
Your physical symptoms of anxiety are made worse by trying to control them.
This is the basic principle of mindfulness and acceptance and commitment therapy.

2.     Believing You Have to Be Perfect

There is some contention that the basic premise of cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT) is flawed. During CBT, you examine your thoughts and try to point out the ones that are not rational. "Nobody will notice the mistakes you make." "Everyone surely likes you more than you think."
While it is true that those with SAD blow the negatives out of proportion, at the same time you have to eventually stop and think, "But so what?" "So what if people notice my mistakes?" "So what if nobody likes me." "So what if I am not perfect?" That may be the deeper issue that some individuals need to resolve in therapy. What is so bad about not being perfect?

3.     Not Taking Chances

When you get to the end of your life, will you look back and be proud of the risks you took? Or will you wish that you had taken more chances despite your social anxiety. While the disorder can function like a prison, social anxiety tends to decrease with age.
Hopefully as you get older, you will be able to let your hair down and be not be so afraidof the road less taken.

4.     Believing It Is Only You

Since individuals with social anxiety tend to isolate themselves, they don't have the experience of talking about their fears with others and learning how they are not alone. If you find yourself in this situation, try joining an online forum devoted to those with social anxiety, so that you can see many others share your concerns.

5.     Not Seeking Help

While it is understandable that many with social anxiety do not seek help given the nature of the disorder, failing to obtain treatment can mean a lifetime of lost chances. Give yourself the gift of trying all you can before admitting defeat. Find a service provider and make contact in whatever way you can.

6.     Believing Social Anxiety is a Personality Trait

Introversion and shyness are common temperamental dispositions, whereas social anxiety is a dysregulation of your emotions. You do not have to live with your social anxiety anymore than you have to accept orange hair after a bad dye job.

7.     Not Being Mindful of Self-Talk

You might think it does not matter what you say to yourself (either in your head or out loud when others are not around) because nobody is listening but you. Think again! The words you use to talk to yourself are powerful. You can train yourself to be less anxious or more anxious simply through your self-talk. Don't be a contributor to your anxiety disorder.

8.     Not Developing Social Skills

If you've hidden yourself away for years out of fear of social contact, chances are you may have missed out on the development of some critical social skills. This can be especially true for teenagers who develop social anxiety disorder. It is never too late to learn. Make a point of giving yourself the advantage of well-rounded social skills. But still remember not to care whether people like you or not.

Saturday, October 3, 2015

I Can Not Believe It Yet

Some minutes ago I happened on a post while browsing online which said that I can make money from tweeter.

The Poster went ahead to describe the best way to make money through sponspored tweets and just so to be sure that it is true, I quickly registered and got this code to verify my blog.

Here's the code

I am waiting for the verification