Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Mental Health

Mental health is a state of emotional well being or an absence of any mental disorder. It is also the ability of a person to cope with normal stresses of life and make a contribution to the society. Recent studies also state that a mere absence of any mental disease doesn't describe a sound mental health. It is only the health of the person's mind. Hence, a person suffering from any one of these, social, physical or cultural impacts on oneself cannot be in a fit emotional state. Psychology is the study of mental health. The professional psychologists study the behaviour the human mind to establish the nature of the disease a person is suffering from.

Different people have disparate mental wellness. Researchers refer to the mental health as an attribute that enhances emotional well being and the ability to live a full and aesthetic life, combating changes and challenges effectively.

To maintain a sound mental health, one must follow many good, simple practices. Physical health is one important factor determining the quality of the mind. A robust healthy body will help in maintaining a sound mental state. Other little factors determining mental well being are good eating habits, enough sleeping hours, stress-free working and innovative recreation.

Simple meals through the day go a long way in ensuring that both the mind and the body stay fit. Skin must be kept clean by regular baths and a sound sleep must be enjoyed every single day, in an airy, comfortable room. Physical exercise is a fine way to maintain the balance of thoughts and actions. Exercising the muscles every day and making some time alone to even exercise the mind using meditation or relaxing to soothing music.

These practices help in controlling conflicting emotions like worry, anger and fear. Alcohol and drugs must be avoided at all cost to have a good emotional balance. Laughter is a significant part of one's life. A good humour brings alive a happy mood that keeps mental trouble at bay. On the contrary, criticism can be taking its toll on a person's mind. Courtesy and friendship show the good nature of a person and keep him stress free.

Moreover, one must find happiness in what one is supposed to do, as this keeps one in a fine feather. Satisfaction and pleasure in one's duties adds to the positive healthfulness of the psyche. Apart from the duties, a person should maintain an active social life that can help him de-stress from the hectic schedule of work. Helping others, finding time to meet friends and have a hearty laugh with them and visiting parents and other relatives are sure fire ways to calm oneself.

Confidence building is another way to maintain a clean bill of health. By knowing our strengths and weaknesses, we must learn to accept them. Financial problems are another stress causing factor. We must learn to spend for our needs alone and not for our wants. All these followed every day will keep our mind happy and hale.

Sunday, July 7, 2013

How to Increase Your Testosterone Naturally

By Justin 

Research now shows that men are starting to lose testosterone levels at an earlier age and more dramatic rate than ever before.  This is due to a wide range of factors we will discuss today.

As I continue to move through my thirties I am constantly trying to keep up with the best techniques to maintain high testosterone levels and actually increase them.  I know that around the age thirty most men start to lose testosterone and will eventually begin to feel the similar effect to “menopause” for women or we can call it “man-o-pause” for men. There is actually a medically defined term believe it or not–andropause.

Testosterone can help you have more energy, strength, cognitive function, a leaner and more muscular physique, and not to mention better and more frequent sex.  Must I say more?

Some of the greatest contributors to decreasing testosterone levels are the following:
  • Inflammation – creating insulin resistance and the depression of testosterone production. Mainly from diet.
  • Insulin Resistance – which leads to fat gain and fat cells release estrogen (the anti-testosterone). From poor dietary habits and lack of sleep.
  • Stress – causes a release of the hormone cortisol which can lead to increased insulin resistance and we now know why that is no good. From lack of sleep and lifestyle stress.
So let’s dig into how we can enhance testosterone naturally.

The best way to solve these issues is to adopt an anti-inflammatory diet high in healthy omega-3 fatty acids and lower in inflammatory omega-6’s.  

This can be done through a diet consisting of grassfed meats, wild caught fish, pastured eggs, healthy fats, and the eliminations of vegetable oils, grain-fed meats, and highly processed foods. 

If you are insulin resistant we strongly suggest cutting out grains for 30 days or longer. 

One of the best jump starts to increasing testosterone is our 30-day Metabolic Reset program.

You also need to make sure you are sleeping well. One of the major causes of decreased testosterone and weight gain in men is the lack of sleep. 

Swallow your pride Gladiator, you are not a machine that runs on coffee and snack bars, you need to recharge and repair and your body does this during your precious sleeping hours.

In addition to a non-inflammatory, high omega-3 diet, you may want to consider supplementation. 

Only take supplements after you have diet piece nailed down. And make sure you choose the high quality supplements you can get your hands on, otherwise save your cash.  

A great beginning supplement protocol would be:
  • A Multi-Strain Probiotic – to help absorb nutrients from your food giving you all the elements necessary for the body to create the right hormones (testosterone being the one we are focusing on here).
  • Vitamin-D w/ vit K – because we are almost ALL deficient in vitamin D and it is one of the most critical supplements we can take for overall body function.
Great look at the benefits of Testosterone from “The Art of Manliness”
  • Fish Oil/Krill Oil – get a shot of omega-3’s from either liquid or pill form.  I prefer the krill oil because of the added benefits but it does have a higher price tag, choose for yourself.
  • Coconut Oil – amazing for balancing metabolic function. Make sure it is raw, organic, and cold-processed like the one we use from Nutiva.
  • Gassfed Organic Red Meat – red meat is one of the most nutrient dense foods on the planet.  If you get it from a grassfed source you will increase your beneficial omega-3’s.  Consuming grain fed meat can actually increase inflammation (because all the genetically modified corn, soy and wheat they’re eating is high in omega-6).  US Wellness Meats is one of our favorite sources.
  • Wild-Caught Salmon – get your hands on some high quality salmon that is loaded with all the muscle building goodies your brain and body craves. Vital Choice has everything you could ever want and the quality is second to none.
Movement also plays a critical role in stimulating testosterone secretion.  

Focus on movements that require high intensity for a short amount of time.  

Our favourites are sprinting, and focused weight training.  
Be careful not to over train and for the average person we would not recommend high-intensity interval training, or HIIT, more than 2-3 times/ week.  

During the other days just move your body in some fashion.  Try to get some movement everyday, walking is one of the best solutions and is great for fat-burning as well.  Eliminate all long distance cardio if you want to maximize testosterone.

This is a great start to increasing testosterone naturally but we have plenty more tips to share with you and each individual is always unique so a customized plan is always best. 

Contact us with any questions or to get your testosterone increasing program.

Remember, you do not have to be satisfied with a low-testosterone lifestyle as you age. 

Wake up and take control of your life with a few simple changes to your diet, supplements, and lifestyle.